How do I submit a missing receipt declaration in the SAP Concur
How do I submit a missing receipt declaration in the SAP Concur The Missing Receipt Declaration is a new feature added in versions 9.61 and above of the SAP Concur mobile app. This feature is available to both iOS and Android platforms. To create a declaration for your missing receipt within the SAP Concur mobile app follow these instructions: From within the mobile application, select the expense entry to which you want to add the Missing Receipt Declaration. At the top of the expense details, select Add Receipt . From the list of options that appear, select Missing Receipt Declaration . On the Disclaimer and Agreement screen, select Accept . How to add a missing Receipt Declaration on PC or Desktop This job aid demonstrates how to add a Missing Receipt Declaration for those Expense Items missing required receipts along with any other supporting documentation that may be needed. Original receipts must be provided for all air, lodging, and rental ...